Become Unstoppable.

Narrated by Pastor Kevin Swann, UNSTOPPABLE is a five-week study that shares how ordinary people respond to extraordinary challenges. Their inspirational stories show how, with God’s help, we can do more than just move forward. We can be UNSTOPPABLE.

Length: five 20-minute videos
Recommended viewing: over five weeks (one-hour sessions)
Intended for: adults, older teens
Includes: videos, facilitator guides, marketing materials

Inspire Generosity.

MIRACULOUS GENEROSITY features personal narratives from Baptist leaders whose stories blend timeless truths from the Bible with modern-day examples of generosity. MIRACULOUS GENEROSITY shows how God can use even our smallest acts of generosity to change the world.

Length: one 30-minute video
Recommended viewing: over a single one-hour session
Intended for: adults, teens of all ages
Includes: videos, facilitator guides, marketing materials