Our purpose. For Christ. For perpetuity.

In 1923, a group of Petersburg business leaders shared a faith-based vision: to pool Baptists’ financial resources in ways that advance church ministries while alleviating investors’ estate taxes. Their advocacy helped change tax laws through the General Assembly. That same year, the Christian stewardship of brothers TC and William Crowder created trusts that became the initial assets of EverBless.

The Crowders realized the practical wisdom of investing their estate in a foundation so that Christian stewardship could continue even after their death. Their estate was left to church and philanthropic causes, and under EverBless administration it continues to yield revenues for Kingdom work year after year.

Harry Snead, one of EverBless’ founders, believed all Baptists desired to be faithful stewards like the Crowders. Similarly, James Bryant, the first executive director, declared that Baptist stewardship had better opportunities to grow if strategically guided by EverBless. These men, and others equally dedicated, traveled the state with a clear message to churches and believers: EverBless exists for you and your stewardship goals.

A century later, EverBless—a faith-based nonprofit—continues to steward assets for churches, individuals and families across the state. Creative financial tools, backed by knowledge and integrity, help clients maximize their impact by funding church ministries, missions, scholarships and charitable endeavors.

Financial stewardship, including charitable and planned giving, acknowledges the Source of our blessings. It exemplifies Christian values, demonstrates obedience and shapes the next generation of believers.

With financial experience and expertise, EverBless faithfully moves God’s missions forward—today and into perpetuity.

Our track record is our best testimonial

People’s lives helped and spiritual lives saved are valued beyond measure. EverBless also impacts the community, state and world in these measurable ways:

10 years ending December 31, 2023

The history of EverBless is more than trust accounts and investment portfolios. It is the chronicle of every Baptist steward whose heart’s desire is furthering Christian ministries and missions.

Our financial advisor

EverBless partners with Mercer whose low-cost investment approach focuses on long-term growth. Investing with other Virginia Baptist churches supports low-cost purchasing power. Together, these financial strategies help ensure the greatest return for EverBless investors.